Feb 07, 2025  
2016-2017 Catalog 
2016-2017 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Arts & Sciences Degrees


Associate of Arts Degrees

The Associate of Arts degree program offers a liberal arts education that includes the Colorado State Guaranteed General Education Curriculum. This Curriculum includes a minimum of one year of course work in communication, humanities, social sciences, mathematics and science. In addition to these required disciplines, we encourage you to explore a broad range of subjects through elective course work in the fine arts, behavioral sciences, natural sciences and mathematics, literature, business and humanistic studies.

The Associate of Arts degree program is offered at all campuses.

To be accepted into the Associate of Arts program you must demonstrate college-level proficiency through ACT/SAT scores, college transcripts or placement tests. Inadequate skills in reading, writing and mathematics may require you to enroll in developmental studies courses before enrolling in courses required for the degree. This could affect the sequence in which you can take courses and may extend the time required to earn your degree. For more details please see Academic Placement and Testing. See Scholarships and Awards  for scholarship opportunities related to this program.

Please note that recent changes to the Colorado Department of Education’s policy for Higher Education Admissions Requirements (HEAR) stipulate that students wishing to enter or transfer to any public four-year school in Colorado must successfully complete at least one year of foreign language at the high school level. If you have not fulfilled this requirement, please be advised that you are required to take FRE 111 , GER 111 , ITA 111 , JPN 111 , RUS 111 , or SPA 111  to gain admittance to a four-year school. Although these courses do not fulfill the Guaranteed Transfer Arts and Humanities requirement, they do count as five elective credits except for the Associate of Science Degree .

Associate of Arts Degree Requirements

Completion of the degree requires taking at least 60 credits from among courses numbered 100 through 299 which are designed for transfer.

State Guaranteed General Education Curriculum courses are designated by a diamond (◆) icon. An asterisk (✽) icon denotes courses which apply to the Associate of Arts and Associate of Science degrees, and are generally transferable to other Colorado public universities and colleges. Colorado public four-year higher education institutions will honor the full transfer of an Associate of Arts (AA) degree earned at Colorado Mountain College. When you earn an Associate of Arts degree at Colorado Mountain College, completing the state guaranteed general education courses with a grade of C or better in each course applied to the degree, you will transfer with 60 credit hours toward a baccalaureate degree into any arts and science degree program offered by a Colorado public four-year college.

To graduate, a student must have a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 (“C” average) or “P” (passing) or better on all courses taken at Colorado Mountain College. At least 80 percent of the semester credits applied toward graduation must be letter graded.

You must earn 45 credits at Colorado Mountain College or, if transferring previous credits, a minimum of 15 college-level credit hours must be earned at Colorado Mountain College. Awarded or non-traditional credit may not be used to fulfill this requirement. No more than six credits of work experience, internship, special topics, and/or cooperative education may be applied toward graduation. These credits must be considered transferable to a four-year school. If you already have a Colorado Mountain College degree, you must earn at least 15 additional credits, not already applied to the first degree, to receive a second degree.

You should be able to complete your Associate of Arts degree program in no more than 60 credit hours and your baccalaureate (four-year) degree in no more than a total of 120 credit hours, unless there are additional degree requirements recognized by the Colorado Department of Higher Education or by the receiving institution. This means that if you complete your Associate of Arts degree at Colorado Mountain College, you can complete your four-year degree with the same number of credits as students who began at the receiving institution. If you have received credit for prior learning, Advanced Placement, or correspondence courses, this will be reviewed by the receiving institution.

You must complete the entire AA degree to guarantee transfer of any course not on the State Guaranteed curriculum. Transfer of courses marked by the asterisk (✽) icon is probable but not guaranteed. Please check the requirements of the receiving institution.

Associate of Science Degrees

The Associate of Science degrees are designed for those who plan to seek a four-year degree in advanced technology, mathematics, or physical, natural or computer science areas. The disciplines covered in this program are traditionally included in the freshman and sophomore curriculum at all colleges and universities. This includes course work in the areas of communication, humanities, social science, biological science, physical science and mathematics.

To be accepted into this program you must demonstrate college level proficiency through ACT/SAT scores, college transcripts or placement tests. Inadequate skills in reading, writing and mathematics may require you to enroll in developmental studies courses before enrolling in courses required for the degree. This could affect the sequence in which you can take courses and may extend the time required to earn your degree. For more details please see the academic placement and testing  section. Several scholarships are available for Associate of Science students, particularly the David Alden Cooke, Stewart Bridge Luce and C.E Williamson scholarships. See the scholarship and awards  section for these scholarship opportunities.

Please note that recent changes to the Colorado Department of Education’s policy for Higher Education Admissions Requirements (HEAR) stipulate that students wishing to enter or transfer to any public four-year school in Colorado must successfully complete at least one year of foreign language at the high school level. If you have not fulfilled this requirement, please be advised that you are required to take FRE 111 , GER 111 , ITA 111 , JPN 111 , RUS 111 , or SPA 111  to gain admittance to a four-year school. Although these courses do not fulfill the Guaranteed Transfer Arts and Humanities requirement, they do count as five elective credits.

Associate of Science Degree Requirements

The Associate of Science Degree requires completion of at least 60 credits from among courses numbered 100-299 which are designed for transfer. State Guaranteed General Education courses are designated by a diamond icon (◆). An asterisk icon (✽) denotes courses which apply to the Associate of Arts and Associate of Science degrees, and are generally transferable to other Colorado public universities and colleges.

You must complete the entire AS degree to guarantee transfer of any course not on the State Guaranteed curriculum. Transfer of courses marked by the asterisk (✽) icon is probable but not guaranteed. Please check the requirements of the receiving institution.

To graduate, a student must have a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 (“C” average) or “P” (passing) or better on all courses taken at Colorado Mountain College. At least 80 percent of the semester credits applied toward graduation must be letter graded.

You must earn 45 semester credits at Colorado Mountain College or, if transferring previous credits, a minimum of 15 college-level credit hours must be earned at Colorado Mountain College. Awarded or non-traditional credit may not be used to fulfill this requirement. No more than six credits of work experience, internship, special topics, and/or cooperative education may be applied toward graduation. These credits must be considered transferable to a four-year college. If you already have a Colorado Mountain College degree, you must earn at least 15 additional credits, not already applied to the first degree, to receive a second degree.

Associate of Arts


Associate of Science
