Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration. The Bachelor of Science degree program in Business Administration (BSBA) includes several options for students interested in pursuing further academic study in key business-related industries. It incorporates the first two years of the Statewide Business Articulation Agreement that ensures that a student who completes the required Associate of Arts: Business emphasis coursework and earned a C- or better in all courses shall be fully considered for admission into the business programs offered by the participating four-year public colleges in Colorado, including Colorado Mountain College.
Students will be required to take 60 or more credits to earn the bachelor’s degree depending on the course of study students pursued before admission into the program. Students who do not pathway from the degree will be evaluated on a course-by-course basis. Individual business courses may transfer and count toward the graduation requirements for the four-year BSBA degree, but the transferable courses are limited to the course equivalents of the courses specified in the curricula of the four-year Business Administration degree. Advised business-related electives may be used to complete an optional emphasis area.
The general education requirements for business students are specified by the statewide business articulation agreement. Completion of these general education requirements may not satisfy all the general education requirements for every business program or emphasis area. Students should review the BSBA degree and possible concentrations or emphasis areas with an academic counselor before registering for classes.
Possible emphasis areas within the BSBA degree include , , and . Please refer to these Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs in the catalog for more information. It is recommended that you contact the faculty leads at the campuses for specific prerequisite and course requirements to earn an emphasis within the BSBA degree. A student not enrolled in these CTE programs during their first two years of academic study at CMC will require additional study to complete an emphasis area. Other emphasis areas shown below are Management & Marketing, Sustainable Business, and Accounting.
Learn more about the Bachelor of Science Business Program