This is a transfer program with Colorado Mesa University which allows students who complete the following curriculum to transfer to CMU. There you may earn a Bachelor of Arts degree in Criminal Justice. Under the terms of this agreement, you will be admitted as a junior with no loss of credit. You must have a “C” or better in each Colorado Mountain College course attempted in order for this agreement to be valid.
A transfer guide is in place for those who are planning to transfer to the University of Colorado at Denver. Please see your advisor and work with an advisor at CU-Denver if you are planning to transfer to that institution.
You must demonstrate college-level skills proficiency in reading, writing, and mathematics as a part of acceptance into this program. Your proficiency may affect the sequence of courses in which you may enroll and may also extend the time required to complete this program. For details see the Academic Placement and Testing section.
The Gavin D. Litwiller Scholarship can provide financial assistance for students; see the Financial Aid and Scholarship section for details.
For a list of CMC campuses offering this program, please see the Where Our Programs are Offered table. Not every course is offered on every campus.
Graduates of the program will receive an Associate of General Studies Degree in Criminal Justice.