Oct 12, 2024  
2013-2014 Catalog 
2013-2014 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Safety and Security

Hall Access and Exterior Doors

For safety and security reasons, exterior doors should remain closed to restrict access to non-residents. Any suspicious persons should be reported to the residence hall staff immediately. the propping of outside doors is not tolerated and anyone found doing so is subject to strict disciplinary action.

Key/Cards and Lock-Outs

Residents are issued a student ID card which provides them access to their residence hall door and entrances to residence hall. A mailbox key will be issued to each resident. You are required to carry your student ID with you at all times. Leaving your ID card unattended or loaning them to friends jeopardizes the safety and security of you and your roommate, you room and your personal belongings, and those in the community. If you lose your ID Card or mail key please report it to a Residence Life Staff member immediately. Excessive lock-outs and lost key/card may result in fines and or a key/card reissued.

Doors, Locks and Windows

CMC strongly recommends that all residents close and lock their doors and windows when they leave their rooms and while they are sleeping. The level of safety and security of individuals and personal property is largely determined by the attentiveness of you, your roommate and fellow residents. Please report suspicious individuals or activities to the Residence Life staff.

Entering or exiting a room through the window is strictly prohibited. Hanging, throwing or dumping items or fluids out of your window may result in disciplinary action, fines, and/or charges for clean-up and damage repair.

Window Screens

Screens may not be removed from the windows of the residence hall at any time. removal or damage of such may result in judicial action, and a fine of $80.00 in addition to any repair or replacement cost. This is a serious violation, and should be regarded as such.

Entering Student Rooms

In addition to routine health and safety inspections, it is occasionally necessary for CMC Staff members to enter a resident’s room for maintenance or personal safety reasons. Whenever possible, CMC will do so with advance notice and in the presence of the occupants. However, CMC reserves the right to enter a resident’s room for the purpose of inspecting the premises when an authorized agent of CMC has reasonable cause to believe; including, but not limited to any of  the following:

  1. The occupant of the room may be harmed or endangered.
  2. Damage is being done to College property.
  3. There is sufficient reason to believe that a violation of a College policy, as stated in the CMC Residence Life or Student Handbooks is occurring or has occurred, or a public law is being violated.
  4. Housekeeping, maintenance and/or repair is necessary.

Personal Property

Students are responsible for all personal property, including any theft or damage to their personal items such as vehicles, room contents, and other personal belongings. You are strongly advised to obtain renter’s insurance, vehicle insurance, and health insurance if not covered through your parent’s or guardian’s insurance or other personal means. CMC does offer health insurance arrangements for students through the registration process.

Personal Safety and Security

Crimes occur on all college campuses and you are encouraged to report any occurrence immediately. You as an individual can do a great deal to help insure you don’t become a victim of crime by following these guidelines:

  1. Do NOT lend your room ID card/keys to others.
  2. Report lost ID card/keys to a RA.
  3. NEVER admit strangers into your room or the building.
  4. Always keep your personal vehicle locked when not in use.
  5. Ask for identification from all service and repair people if you do not recognize them.
  6. If you receive a crank or annoying phone call, hang up immediately and report the incident to the Assistant Coordinator. Please remember it is a crime under both state and federal laws for anyone to make obscene or harassing telephone calls.
  7. If you notice a door or a window has been forced or broken while you were gone, DO NOT ENTER, and contact a residence life staff member.
  8. Keep emergency numbers handy .
  9. Public areas may be monitored by camera systems.

When walking on campus:

  1. Use the buddy system - don’t walk alone.
  2. Be cautious and alert.
  3. Avoid dark areas… walk in well-lit areas ONLY.
  4. Walk in areas normally used by other pedestrians. Avoid wooded areas.

Residence Hall and Personal Emergencies

In the event of a residence hall emergency, contact a residence life staff member immediately.

Emergency Contacts

Please see the General Information  page for a list of emergency contact numbers at your campus.

Fire Safety/Evacuation