Oct 25, 2024  
2011-2012 Catalog 
2011-2012 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Finding Help

Financial Aid Overview, Applications, & Eligibility

Colorado Mountain College is committed to equal educational opportunity for all students. Staff is available at all campuses to help you with general information, application procedures, financial aid counseling and other related issues. If you have questions about financial aid, please call, e-mail, or write us at:

Colorado Mountain College
Office of Student Financial Aid
831 Grand Avenue
Glenwood Springs, CO 81601
800-621-8559 ext. 8338
E-mail: glewis@coloradomtn.edu

In addition to several loan options, Colorado Mountain College offers grants and over 50 different scholarships and work study opportunities, funded from both public and private sources. These are described in detail in the Scholarships, Grant Programs, Loan Programs, and Work-Study Programs sections. This section describes the Financial Aid application and eligibility determination process, and, if applicable, the award repayment process.

Financial Aid Application Process

Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), online at www.fafsa.ed.gov.

Additional information may be requested before processing your information. Applications received before March 31 receive priority consideration for the following academic year. Need analysis information received after this date will be processed and students will be approved for assistance as funds are available. You are encouraged to complete the FAFSA even if you have missed the priority date.

Summer Semester Financial Aid Application Process

To request assistance for the summer term, you must submit a separate summer application and a Free Application for Federal Student Aid if you have not already completed one.

The summer application is available online after February 1. Funds are limited and may not be available in the summer. However, you may be eligible for a Federal Pell Grant or a student loan.

Transfer Student Financial Aid Application Process

Complete the FAFSA online, and add our code 004506.

Disbursement of Financial Aid

Financial aid in the form of grants, scholarships and loans will first be applied toward the payment of outstanding tuition and fees owed to the college. Financial aid awarded in excess of outstanding tuition and fees will be disbursed by check to you approximately two weeks into the semester.

Exception: For first time borrowers, disbursement of the loan funds will occur four weeks after the beginning of the semester. For students receiving a one-semester loan, two disbursements will be made. The first half will disburse two weeks after the semesters begins; the second half will disburse four weeks later (six weeks into the semester).

Demonstrating Satisfactory Academic Progress

All students receiving federal and/or state-funded financial aid are required to meet certain standards to ensure that they are making reasonable progress toward obtaining a degree or certificate. In addition to maintaining a particular grade point average, students are expected to complete a minimum number of credit hours each semester. The number of hours to be completed varies according to the student’s enrollment classification. In addition, students have a maximum time frame in which to complete their degree. This standard applies to their entire academic career and includes transfer credits. Students failing to meet satisfactory academic progress guidelines may lose their financial aid.

A detailed Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy can be accessed at www.coloradomtn.edu.

Reestablishing Financial Aid Eligibility

Financial aid recipients must reapply each year to reestablish eligibility. You may use the Renewal Application available at www.fafsa.ed.gov.

Returning Title IV Funds

The law specifies how your school ,must determine the amount of Title IV program assistance that you earn if you withdraw from school. The Title IV programs that are covered by this law are: Federal Pell Grants, Direct Loans, PLUS Direct Loans, and Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOGs).

When you withdraw during your payment period or period of enrollment (your school can define these for you and tell you which one applies) the amount of Title IV program assistance that you have earned up to that point is determined by a specific formula. If you receive (or your school or parent received on your behalf) less assistance than the amount that you earned, you may be able to receive those additional funds. If you received more assistance than you earned, the excess funds must be returned by the school and/or you.

The amount of assistance that you have earned is determined on a prorated basis. For example, if you completed 30 percent of your payment period or period of enrollment, you earn 30 percent of the assistance you were originally scheduled to receive. Once you have completed more than 60 percent of the payment period or period of enrollment, you earn all the assistance that you were scheduled to receive for that period.

If you did not receive all the funds that you earned, you may be due a post-withdrawal disbursement. If your post-withdrawal disbursement includes loan funds, your school must get your permission before it can disburse them.

You may choose to decline some or all of the loan funds so that you don’t incur additional debt. Your school may automatically use all or a portion of your post-withdrawal disbursement of grant funds for tuition, fees, and room and board charges (as contracted with the school). The school needs your permission to use the post-withdrawal grant disbursement for all other school charges. If you do not give permission (some schools ask or this when you enroll), you will be offered the funds. However, it may be in your best interest to allow the school to keep the funds to reduce your debt at the school.

There are some Title IV funds that you were scheduled to receive that cannot be disbursed to you once you withdraw because of other eligibility requirements. For example, if you are a first-time, first-year undergraduate student and you have not completed the first 30 days of your program before you withdraw, you will not receive any FFEL or Direct loan funds that you would have receive had you remained enrolled past the 30th day.

If you receive (or your school or parent receives on your behalf) excess Title IV program funds that must be returned, your school must return a portion of the excess equal to the lesser of:

  1. Your institutional charges multiplied by the unearned percentage of your funds,
  2. The entire amount of excess funds.

The school must return this amount even if it didn’t keep this amount of your Title IV program funds.

If your school is not required to return all of the excess funds, you must return the remaining amount. Any loan funds that you must return, you (or your parent for a PLUS loan) repay in accordance with the terms of the promissory note. That is, you make the scheduled payments to the holder of the loan over a period of time.

Any amount of unearned grant funds that you must return is called an overpayment. The maximum amount of a grant overpayment that you must repay is half of the grant funds you received or were scheduled to receive. You must make arrangements with your school or the Department of Education to return the unearned grant funds.

The requirements for Title IV program funds when you withdraw are separate from any refund policy that your school may have. Therefore, you may still owe funds to the school to cover unpaid institutional charges. Your school may also charge you for any Title IV program funds that the school was required to return. If you don’t already know what your school’s refund policy is, you can ask your school for a copy. Your school can also provide you with the requirements and procedures for officially withdrawing from school.

If you have questions about your Title IV program funds, visit Student Aid on the Web at www.studentaid.ed.gov.

Title IV Fund Repayment Order

A school must return Title IV funds to the programs from which the student received aid during the payment period or period of enrollment if applicable, in the following order, up to the net amount disbursed from each source”

  1. Unsubsidized Direct Stafford loans (other than PLUS loans)
  2. Subsidized Direct Stafford loans
  3. Direct PLUS loans
  4. Federal Pell Grants for which a return of funds is required
  5. Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOG) for which a return of funds is required.


Colorado Mountain College Foundation Scholarships

The Colorado Mountain College Foundation administers many privately-funded scholarships available both on a campus-specific and multi-campus basis. These scholarships are funded through the generous gifts of employees, staff members, family, friends, foundations, corporations and business and community partners. The awards are based on achievement, residency, financial need or career goals and do not have to be repaid.

For more information or to apply on-line for Colorado Mountain College Foundation Scholarships go to www.cmcfoundation.org. Additionally, you can find the Colorado Mountain College Foundation Scholarship information in the annual Foundation Scholarship Brochure available at each campus or by calling the Foundation at 800-621-8559, ext. 8355.

Application Process. The Foundation Scholarship application deadline date is March 15, unless otherwise indicated. Award will be for the academic year following the deadline date. Any funds not awarded during the spring selection process will be available for award on a first come first serve basis throughout the academic year.

Colorado Mountain College Scholarships

Colorado Mountain College in partnership with the Colorado Mountain College Foundation, offers three scholarships to recognize and encourage students to begin or continue their educational pursuits. These scholarships are included in the Colorado Mountain College Foundation Scholarship brochure and also can be found at www.cmcfoundation.org.

Application Process. The Colorado Mountain College Scholarships require the same application as used for the CMC Foundation Scholarships. The application deadline date is March 15. Award will be for the academic year following the deadline date. Any funds not awarded during the spring selection process will be available for award on a first come first serve basis throughout the academic year.

Grant Programs

These funds do not have to be repaid. Colorado Mountain College offers federal, state, and privately-funded grants.

State Grant Programs

College Responsibility Program

These funds do not have to be repaid.

Eligibility. Demonstrate financial need, enrolled full time.

Award Amount. College Responsibility Program (CRP): Awards depend on availability of funding.

Application Process FAFSA (see the Financial Aid Application section).

Leveraging Educational Assistance Partnership (LEAP)

These funds do not have to be repaid.

Eligibility. Demonstrate financial need.

Award Amount. Leveraging Educational Assistance Partnership (LEAP): $200 to $2500 per year.

Application Process. FAFSA (see the Financial Aid Application section).

Federal Grants: FSEOG and Pell Grants

These funds do not have to be repaid.

Eligibility. Demonstrate financial need only for FSEOG and Pell.

Award Amount. Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grand (FSEOG): $4000 maximum. Federal Pell Grant: $5550 maximum.

Application Process. FAFSA (see the Financial Aid Application section). Contact our Office of Student Financial Aid for more detailed information concerning the application process. Some Pell Grant money may be available for students attending less than half-time.

Richard C. Martin Grant

Funded by CMC. In the early 1960s, Dick Martin joined with others of his community to establish the Colorado Mountain College District. Once the college was established, Dick was elected to the Board of Trustees where he served for 14 productive years. When Dick retired from the board in 1984, his fellow board members established the Richard C. Martin Grant to help local young people pursue their education.

Eligibility. Student does not need to be a high school graduate but must have attended high school in the Colorado Mountain College District, meet in-district residency requirements and complete associate degree requirements at Colorado Mountain College within five years following initial enrollment at the college. Courses completed while the student is still enrolled in high school are not eligible for this grant. The student must complete a two-year degree program at Colorado Mountain College before he or she is eligible to receive the Richard C. Martin Grant to assist in completing the remaining two years of a baccalaureate degree at a four-year institution.

Award Amount. The grant amount is determined annually by the Board of Trustees and will approximate the cumulative amount of tuition paid by the student for credit received while attending Colorado Mountain College.

Application Process. The application for the Richard C. Martin Grant is available from any campus or center at the time of admission to Colorado Mountain College. The application may be completed at any time during the first semester in which you are enrolled and within two years of your high school graduation. Contact the Colorado Mountain College Financial Aid office for more information.

Loan Programs

Colorado Mountain College participates in the Direct Loan program, including the Federal Stafford loan and Federal Parent (PLUS) loan.

Federal Direct Parent Loan (PLUS Loan)

These funds must be repaid.

Eligibility. Parent’s credit.

Award Amount. Cost of attendance minus estimated financial assistance.

Application Process. See the Financial Aid Application. Parent Borrower form online.

Subsidized Federal Direct Stafford Student Loan

These funds must be repaid.

Eligibility. Demonstrate financial need.

Award Amount. $3500 first year. $4500 second year. $5500 remaining undergraduate years.

Application Process. FAFSA (see Financial Aid Application Processes).

Unsubsidized Federal Direct Stafford Student Loan

These funds must be repaid.

Eligibility. Not need based.

Award Amount. $5500 first year. $6500 second year.

Application Process. FAFSA (see Financial Aid Application process). Separate loan application required for Direct and PLUS loans. Contact our Office of Student Financial Aid for more detailed information concerning the application process.

Work Study Programs

Work-Study funds are funds that are not applied toward tuition; they are paid to the enrolled student while employed by Colorado Mountain College. There are two types of work-study: Federal College Work-Study (FCWS) and Colorado Work-Study.

Federal College Work-Study (FCWS)

Eligibility. Demonstrate financial need. (Some students who do not show financial need may qualify for the Colorado Work-Study program.)

Award Amount. Federal College Work-Study (FCWS): Students can earn $1500 to $3000 per year. Work-study funds are not applied toward tuition.

Application Process. FAFSA (see above). The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 requires college work-study students to provide documentation of employment eligibility. Contact the Office of Student Financial Aid to find out which documents you will be required to submit.

Colorado Work-Study Program

Eligibility. Demonstrate financial need. (Some students who do not show financial need may qualify for the Colorado Work-Study program.)

Award Amount. Colorado Work-Study Program: Students can earn $1500 to $3000 per year. Work-study funds are not applied toward tuition.

Application Process. FAFSA (see above). The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 requires students to provide documentation of employment eligibility. Contact the Office of Student Financial Aid to find out which documents you will be required to submit.

Accessibility Services

This section describes the variety of methods we use to foster educational access and success at all Colorado Mountain College campuses. Accessibility, or supplemental, services are available to students with an identified disability. These services include instructional support such as note taking, extended time or oral testing, proofing written work, interpreting, books on tape, and tutoring. Special equipment may be provided upon request. Please read the following section and contact the Disability Services Coordinator for assistance.

Support Services for Students with Disabilities

Colorado Mountain College (CMC) is committed to assisting students with disabilities become successful in their academic programs. In addition to receiving the support needed to complete your chosen area of study and enhance your basic academic skills, we are committed to equal access in the classroom while preserving the integrity of the course objectives.

Students who are seeking support services from CMC on the basis of a diagnosed disability are required under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Amended Act of 2009 to submit documentation to verify eligibility. Protection under these civil rights statues are determined on a case-by-case basis and is based upon documentation of a disability that currently and substantially limits some major life activity including learning.

CMC offers many services to its students with disabilities. Eligibility for these services is determined individually based on a documented need. Services can include:

  • Pre-admission advising and new student orientation
  • Academic accommodations
  • Academic advising and registration assistance
  • Testing accommodations
  • Note taking assistance
  • Alternate formats for printed materials
  • Sign language interpreters and assistive listening devices
  • Assistive technology
  • Residential accommodations available at Alpine, Spring Valley and Timberline Campuses

For more information concerning Disability Services, please contact:

Alpine and Vail/Eagle Valley Campuses
Deb Farmer at 970-870-4450.

West Garfield, Aspen, and Roaring Fork Campuses:
Dr. Anne Moll at 970-947-8256.

Timberline, Summit, and Chaffee County Campuses:
Sandi Conner at 719-486-4200.

College Libraries

This section summarizes the two primary library types and library services available at Colorado Mountain College.

Library Contact Information

Alpine Campus Library - 970-870-4445

Roaring Fork Campus - Quigley Library - 970-947-8271

Timberline Campus Library - 719-486-4249

Virtual Library - 970-453-6757 ext. 2629 or reference@coloradomtn.edu.

Traditional Libraries

Colorado Mountain College has three traditional libraries located on residential campuses in Glenwood Springs, Leadville, and Steamboat Springs. It also has a Virtual Library which can be found at www.coloradomtn.edu/library.

The three traditional libraries offer an extensive collection of books, journals, magazines, maps, government documents, and course reserves. They also offer a variety of services, including research assistance and the Interlibrary Loan service.

Additional information about the three traditional CMC libraries can be found at www.coloradomtn.edu/library.

Virtual Library

The Virtual Library has its doors open 24/7, providing access to thousands of online journals and newspapers, books and art images, downloadable videos and audio books, career resources and practice tests. The Virtual Library supplements its digital collection with a free Interlibrary Loan service, leaving no materials outside of your reach. Research consultation services are offered online and in person.

Counseling and Advising

This section describes the counseling and advising services available at Colorado Mountain College.

Career Planning

College Counselors provide individual and group career counseling sessions. A variety of tests are offered to help you evaluate your interests, aptitudes and abilities. A comprehensive job information library is also available.

Career and Personality Guidance Testing

Student services staff use a variety of testing instruments to help you through the career/ life planning process. The CHOICES system is available at all locations. This instrument measures and correlates interests, abilities, and values across various occupational categories. The Strong (Interest Inventory), and Myers-Briggs (Personality Inventory), and COP System (Career Planning) are also offered at some locations. Contact your College Counselor for more information.

Educational Advising

A successful education begins with advising. We strongly recommend that you seek out an Advisor before registering to develop a meaningful and successful program of study. College Counselors and Faculty Advisors can introduce you to the full range of programs and services offered by Colorado Mountain College and tailor them to your educational and occupational goals.

It is also important to work closely with your Advisor/Counselor to ensure successful transfer of your credits to four-year institutions. Don’t hesitate to ask a College Counselor, Advisor or Disability Services Coordinator for help as questions arise.

Personal Counseling

College Counselors are prepared to assist with personal problems. These Counselors work with several professional agencies and will refer you to these agencies if necessary.

Student Support Services - Success Center

(SSS) is a federally-funded TRIO program designed to assist students who are low-income (with an income meeting federal guidelines for the program), who come from a family where neither parent has a baccalaureate four-year degree, and/or who have a documented disability.

The Student Support Services Centers are available to students at CMC - Steamboat Springs, CMC - Glenwood Springs, CMC - Leadville, CMC - Rifle, and CMC - Edwards.

The purpose of the program is to help students successfully complete their educational goals. The objectives of the Colorado Mountain College Success Center are to increase retention, graduation, and transfer rates for students enrolled in the program.

Some of the services available to students in achieving academic success include tutoring, career advising, study and life skills workshops, transfer services, help finding and applying for appropriate financial aid, obtaining supplemental grant aid, and advocating on the student’s behalf with faculty, staff, and other students.

Developmental Education Program

The Developmental Education program is designed to help you achieve the most from your college education. Here are some resources that can assist you:

Accuplacer assessment at the beginning of your first semester will make sure you are placed in classes that best meet your needs. We offer Accuplacer assessments in math, reading and English. Please contact the campus your are interested in attending for more information.

See Accuplacer Assessment under Testing Services for more information.

College preparation courses are available in math, reading, English and study skills to help you prepare for college-level work.

Learning labs are a great resource to support you in being successful at CMC. Learning labs offer help in math, reading, writing class assignments, GED preparation, studying to take the Accuplacer, and college-level courses. Work at your own pace and level in small groups or one-on-one with tutors or instructors in the areas you need help in.

English as a Second Language (ESL) classes are offered at most CMC locations. These courses are designed for English Language Learners from beginning through advanced who want to improve their skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening in English. The emphasis is on life skills needed for adults living and working in the CMC service area. Please contact the nearest campus for class schedule information.

General Educational Development (GED)

General Educational Development (GED) test preparation classes and testing are available at CMC. We can help you prepare for the GED test though our GED prep program and when you’re ready to test, you can test with us too. Please contact the campus nearest you for more information.

The GED exam consists of five tests (writing skills, social studies, science, reading and mathematics). GED preparation classes are provided at many of our campuses. After successfully completing the exam, you will receive a Colorado High School Equivalency Certificate from the State of Colorado Department of Education. Some campuses offer the GED exam in Spanish. For more information, contact the nearest campus.

The Gateway Program

The Gateway Program is an educational training and employment program that helps single parents achieve their personal and career goals for those living in Garfield, Eagle and Pitkin counties.

The Wo/Men in Transition Scholarship is a fund that can help with the cost of tuition and books for college. To be eligible for this scholarship, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a single parent with at least one child at home
  • Live in Garfield, Eagle or Pitkin counties
  • Attend or plan on attending CMC
  • Not be eligible for Pell Grant funding
  • Be in good standing (GPA of 2.5 or better) if you are currently attending CMC.

For more information on how to apply for this scholarship, please contact Jill Ziemann, Director of the Gateway Program, at 970-384-8518.

Student Handbooks

Handbooks for students serve as essential resources of information and support options. In addition to providing detailed information about residential life, disability services, and various support services, the handbooks also contain information about Student Rights and Responsibilities and processes for filing complaints. Go online to the college web page, click on Student Services, then click on Handbooks to find the Student Handbook, Residence Hall Handbook, and A Transition Guide for Students and Parents (Disability Services).

Student Health & Accident Insurance & Facilities

Insurance Coverage for Full-Time Students

Students enrolling in six or more credit hours at Colorado Mountain College are expected to have some type of health insurance coverage. We are pleased to be able to offer a comprehensive group health and accident insurance program for those who do not have their own coverage. Students and parents are encouraged to read the insurance brochure carefully to determine if this program meets their needs. Policy options as well as associated fees are listed at the website www.acsa.com under the link to Colorado Mountain College. Students who want to have the student health insurance coverage must enroll in the insurance program at the time of registration for the semester.

Alpine Campus Student Wellness Center

CMC Alpine Campus Student Government provides a Student Health Center and a Student Mental Health Center for students through allocation of student activity fees. These services are available at no additional charge for students taking six or more credit hours (fee paying students). Students are seen by a Physician Assistant on a walk-in basis in the Student Health Center; no appointment is necessary. The hours are posted for approximately 12 hours per week of availability. A flu vaccine, typically free for full time students, is offered in the fall.

A Colorado West Mental Health Counselor is available in the Student Mental Health Center by appointment or during limited walk-in hours.

Testing Services

Check with your local CMC site for our College Counselors. They will help you with your testing needs. The following section summarizes those services.

American College Testing (ACT)

The ACT is used as an entrance requirement by many colleges. All registration for ACT is handled through the ACT website at www.act.org.

Accuplacer Assessment

Accuplacer is an assessment tool used by CMC to determine the appropriate level at which students will be placed in math, reading, and English prior to registration. If a student has not taken the ACT or SAT, or does not have prior college-level coursework, they are encouraged to seek assistance from an Advisor or College Counselor for Accuplacer review options and study guide resources.

The Accuplacer scoring process counts all unanswered items as incorrect. The Accuplacer test is not timed. A calculator is not to be used. On the higher-level math courses, a calculator will automatically appear when it is acceptable to use.

Research on Colorado’s assessment programs indicate that new students who follow assessment-related advice have a much higher chance of academic success than those who do not follow such advice.


For the reading and English portions of the Accuplacer, students may retest once per subject per semester and must provide documentation of review of subject matter prior to retesting, after a minimum waiting period of one day. The highest score will be used.

For the mathematics portion of the Accuplacer, a student may retest once per semester with documentation of review of the subject matter prior to retesting, and after a minimum waiting period of one day until he/she has attended his/her first math class. Once a student has begun his/her math course sequence, then he/she will not be permitted to retake the Accuplacer to skip or place in a higher math course. If the student wishes to skip or place in a higher math course after he/she has begun the course sequence, then with permission from the student’s current math instructor or an Advisor, the student may take an alternative math placement exam. Please see your Counselor for complete retest information.

The assessment/placement tests measure current academic skills in particular subject areas. Since current academic skill is at least in part dependent upon recency and current experience, placement test scores will be valid for no longer than two calendar years from the date of the test. Students who wish to enroll into courses in the placement disciplines will need to retest if their scores are more than two years old and they have not already taken a course in the discipline. Students who have satisfactorily completed a course in the discipline may enroll in the next course in the sequence without retesting.

College-Level Examination Program (CLEP)

CLEP exams allow you to earn credit by examination. See the awarded vs earned credit section of this catalog for more information.

There are five General Examinations (English composition, humanities, mathematics, natural sciences, and history) and over 30 Subject Examinations. You may earn from one to six semester hours of credit for satisfactory scores on each exam. See your Student Services Counselor to discuss your CLEP options and associated fees.

General Educational Development (GED)

The GED exam consists of five tests (writing skills, social studies, science, reading and mathematics.)

After successfully completing the exam, you will receive a Colorado High School Equivalency Certificate from the State of Colorado Department of Education. In addition to preparing students for the GED, Colorado Mountain College offers a combination English as a Second Language (ESL) and GED preparation program at many campus locations. Check with your local CMC site to see if the GED in Spanish is given.

Law School Admissions Test (LSAT)

The LSAT is the standard exam required for admission to law school. It is offered once each year at the Vail/Eagle Valley Campus, usually in late fall.

Miller Analogies Test (MAT)

The Miller Analogies Test (MAT) is a high-level analytic ability test requiring the solution of problems stated as analogies. Most of the analogies on the MAT are verbal analogies, and a few are quantitative. The test consists of 100 partial analogies that are to be completed in 50 minutes.

Contact List of Educational Assessment Tests

The table below lists contact information for several educational assessment tests. Many of these are offered at a Colorado Mountain College location. Some of these tests are offered via computer.

*Hosted at a Colorado Mountain College location. Call testing organization or check their website for time and campus.

Test Registration Phone Website
ACT* 319-337-1270 www.act.org
GED CMC Counselor www.coloradomtn.edu/contact.html
GMAT 800-717-4628 www.gmat.org
GRE 800-290-5992 www.gre.org
LSAT* 215-968-1001 www.lsat.org
PLACE 413-256-2885 www.place.nesinc.com
TOEFL 609-921-9000 www.toefl.org
SAT* 690-921-9000 www.sat.org
CLEP CMC Counselor www.collegeboard.org

Veterans Benefits

Most degree programs offered through Colorado Mountain College are approved for veterans’ educational benefits.

Because the application and approval process takes an average of 60 to 90 days, come prepared to personally meet all educational and living expenses for at least three months.

All students receiving assistance from the Veterans Administration and/or state funding agencies must comply with current regulations, including regulations related to satisfactory course progress, attendance, and reporting of previous educational training to the funding agency.

The Veterans Administration approves work experience courses for V.A. Educational Benefits only if the course is required of all students earning the specific degree or certificate. Please be sure to read the degree/certificate requirements carefully.