The Associate of Arts (AA) degree with an emphasis in Social Work prepares students to transfer to a four-year institution in order to earn a bachelor’s degree in Social Work. Social workers are professionals who are specially trained to work with people to provide a variety of services to individuals, families, groups, or communities. Social workers are employed in many different settings including, but not limited to, schools, corrections, victims programs, child welfare, nursing homes, foster care agencies, domestic violence shelters, and homeless programs.
The AA in Social Work program at CMC consists of 31 credits of Colorado State Guaranteed Transfer requirements and is designed to transfer to Metro State University (MSU). Students who complete the AA Social Work degree in its entirety at Colorado Mountain College in the prescribed curriculum can apply to the Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) program at MSU. Students who complete a BSW degree will be able to apply to Metro State University’s Master of Social Work program or to the University of Denver’s Master of Social Work.
For students who do not finish the full 60-credit AA Social Work emphasis, courses may transfer on a course-by-course basis. This decision is at the discretion of the receiving institution; please see your advisor. For students who change their major between two liberal arts programs, the same general education applies; however, students who change their major after the first 60 credits accept the responsibility that this decision may require additional courses.
See the section on Scholarships and Awards for scholarship opportunities related to this program.
The Social work emphasis is offered at Colorado Mountain College in Aspen, Buena Vista at Chaffee County, Carbondale, Glenwood Springs, and Steamboat Springs. The specific Social Work courses are offered via CMC’s IVS (Interactive Video System). Not every course is offered at every campus each semester, some campuses may require additional distance learning modalities to complete the degree. For more information, please see Academic Programs at Colorado Mountain College.