Jul 27, 2024  
2012-2013 Catalog 
2012-2013 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Individual and Community Responsibilities

Expectations of Students in an Academic Environment

The Office of Student Life makes a commitment to each student to support their academic success. Residence Hall expectations, policies, and procedures have been established to provide an environment conducive to academic personal, and social growth. Our idea of community is based upon respect for you and others and the fact that you are responsible for your actions. We rely on your interest, talents, and support to further the educational opportunities of all residents. As an integral part of our community, you are expected to contribute and respect the rights of others in a residential, academic setting. As a community member you can expect the following:

  1. The right to study and sleep without undue disturbance or noise.
  2. The right to be free from fear of intimidation, and/or physical or emotional harm.
  3. The right to live in a clean environment.
  4. The right to personal privacy, including freedom from entry by others who do not have authorization or permission to enter the room.
  5. The right to host guests with the expectation that guest policy conditions are met and guests respect other residents in accordance with Residence Life standards.

Course Load Requirements

Students living in the residence halls must enroll in and successfully complete a minimum of 12 “live” (in classroom) semester credits. If a student fails to maintain the minimum credits they are required to schedule a meeting with the Coordinator of Student Life before or as soon as they know they will be below the requirement.

Student Responsibilities

When or if you encounter another student violating community guidelines, or when/if someone’s behavior is disturbing you, you are expected to confront that individual and reasonably request that the person comply with community expectations. (We find that often times students will be more responsive to an informal request from you). If you are uncomfortable in approaching others about their behavior, you may want to seek some advice from your Resident Assistant on how to approach the situation.

If a resident does confront someone and that person does not comply, the resident may then contact the Resident Assistant on duty to help handle the situation.

It is important that you realize that the Residence Life staff are not solely responsible for controlling your living environment and enforcing guidelines. The environment in your living area, as well as the entire hall, will generally be established by the residents. As a member of the residential community, you are responsible for responding to and reporting violations. If you are unwilling to do so, then you should not always expect that the situation is going to change or that the infraction will “go away”.

Remember, the quality of your experience while living on campus is up to you!

Roommate Bill of Rights and Responsibilities

Living with a roommate can be one of the best parts of college. In the roommate relationship each person has certain rights.

  1. The right to read and study free from undue interference in one’s room. Unreasonable noise and other distractions inhibit the exercise of this right.
  2. The right to sleep without undue disturbance from noise, guests of a roommate, etc.
  3. The right to expect that a roommate will respect one’s personal belongings.
  4. The right to a clean environment in which to live.
  5. The right to free access to one’s room and facilities without pressure from a roommate.
  6. The right of personal privacy.
  7. The right to host guests with the expectations that guests are to respect the rights of the host’s roommate and all hall and college policies.
  8. The right to talk and work through conflicts and concerns. Residence Hall staff are available for assistance in settling conflicts.
  9. The right to be free from fear of intimidation, physical and/or emotional harm.
  10. The right to expect reasonable cooperation in fulfilling the commitment to honor agreed upon payment procedures for items (i.e. refrigerators, cable, etc.).

In addition, each resident is responsible for maintaining these rights for others in their residence hall community.

Community Living Expectations

CMC and the Office of Student Life are committed to creating a community environment where residents develop a high standard of behavior and personal values. Being a member of such a community is a difficult task but one that you and others are capable of achieving if the following guidelines are maintained:

  1. Respect for the rights and dignity of others;
  2. Respect for the rights and needs of the CMC community to develop and maintain an atmosphere conducive to academic study and personal development;
  3. Respect and tolerance for the different backgrounds, traditions, personalities, and beliefs of the students, staff and faculty who make up the CMC community;
  4. Willingness to assist others in need of support, guidance, or friendship;
  5. Respect for Federal, State, and local laws and ordinances;
  6. Respect for the policies and procedures established by CMC for the well-being of the College community as well as respect for those given the authority to administer them;
  7. Respect for the individuals and resources of the local neighborhoods and communities in which we reside.

Each individual has a choice to make in regards to personal action. It has been our experience that those who follow the above guidelines have a much more successful stay at CMC.

Community respect begins with you and respecting individuals. Bigotry has no place within our community nor does the right to denigrate another human being on the basis of age, disability, national origin, sexual orientation, race, gender, or religious affiliation. We will not tolerate verbal or written abuse, threats, intimidation, violence, or any other forms of harassment against any member of our community. Likewise, we will not accept ignorance, humor, anger, alcohol or substance abuse as an excuse, reason, or rationale for such behavior.

Common Areas

Common areas are defined as all areas within the residence hall other than in individual rooms. No furniture or other CMC property is to be removed from common areas without permission from the Assistant Coordinator. Removal of College property will be regarded as theft and the student(s) will be subject to judicial action and possibly legal action. When furniture is lost from common areas, students of that wing, floor or hall may be charged for replacement costs if the responsible party cannot be determined.

Common Area Damages

When common area damages occur such as in a floor lounge, hallway, or laundry room, Residence Life staff will attempt to determine the individual or individuals responsible for the damage. Residents will be notified of common area damage within a timely manner. Residents should identify individuals and report damage and vandalism to the Residence Life staff immediately in order to avoid group damage charges. If the individual or individuals responsible for the damage cannot be identified, everyone on the floor/wing, or building will share in the cost of repair or replacement. Residents may request a written notice each semester which will include a summary of group damage charges that have been assessed to their student account.

Computer Responsibilities

CMC has an Appropriate Use of Technology Policy. Students should be aware that accessing offensive material, harassment of others, downloading large files, and copyright infringement could result in judicial action and impacts the entire college community.