Feb 14, 2025  
2012-2013 Catalog 
2012-2013 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Assault and Harassment


CMC will not tolerate any acts of intimidation, or behaviors that demean, slur, or stereotype an individual or group on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, mental/physical disability, sexual orientation, or gender . This includes verbal and/or written remarks, illustrations, or innuendoes. If you need to report an act of discrimination please contact either the Coordinator of Student Life, Campus Dean for Student Affairs or the Affirmative Action Officer at the CMC District Office in Glenwood Springs.

Sexual Assault

It is the policy of CMC to maintain an environment free from sexual assault. Any behavior determined to constitute a sexual assault will be viewed as a serious matter and will be subject to disciplinary sanctions and/or criminal action. Acts of sexual assault include those committed by force or intimidation, or through use of the victim’s mental incapacity or physical helplessness. Residents are reminded that the definition of sexual battery includes “pranks” or “practical jokes” which may be interpreted as sexual in nature. Additional information regarding sexual assault can be found in your student handbook.

If you need to report a sexual assault, call the Residence Life staff or the Campus Dean for Student Affairs immediately . This information will not be released to the local law enforcement agency without the victim’s permission. There are many avenues available to students for assistance with this type of crime. The most important thing is to seek assistance: Do not try to handle this alone.

Sexual Harassment

As stated in the Student Handbook, “all students of the college have a right to work and to learn in an environment free from unsolicited and unwelcome sexual overtures.” Sexual Harassment occurs when unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature:

  1. is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s educational status or employment;
  2. is used as a basis for aneducational or employment decision affecting such individuals; or
  3. has the purpose or effect of interfering with an individual’s educational or work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational or working environment.

The Office of Student Life will report all complaints of sexual harassment to the Affirmative Action Office. If you need to report any incident of sexual harassment please contact either the Coordinator of Student Life, Campus Dean for Student Affairs or the Affirmative Action Officer at the CMC Central Services in Glenwood Springs. For additional information on sexual harassment, please refer to the CMC Student Handbook.

Verbal and Physical Assault

Personal assault, harassment, and/or battery of any individual on the CMC premises whether verbal, emotional, or physical in nature, will not be tolerated on any level. This includes threats, intimidation, and/or the use of physical force such as fighting to resolve conflicts between individuals or groups.