Aug 31, 2024  
2012-2013 Catalog 
2012-2013 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Services

The student handbook is designed to provide an easy-to-read explanation of student services, how to get involved in student life and an explanation of your student rights and responsibilities. If you have any questions about the student services or this handbook, please go to your nearest campus and ask to speak with a College Counselor.

Admissions, Housing, Counseling & Student Activities

Student Services staff provide a variety of services for students. Admissions, housing, counseling, career planning, placement services, veterans’ counseling, registration and records, financial aid, student activities, and other services are available.

Staff members are available to assist you with any of your concerns. Whenever possible, we suggest you make an appointment by stopping by or calling.

Registration & Student Records

Registration and student records are handled by the Student Services staff. Talk to them about registering, adding classes, dropping classes and other academic matters. Instructions for all procedures are in the Colorado Mountain College catalog, available online at Drop and add forms must be turned into the Registration Office.

Transcripts may be requested from the District Registrar’s Office. To order a transcript, fill out a transcript request form. If you are planning to transfer to another college or university, request an official transcript, and it will be sent directly to the college or university. An “Official, Issued to Student” copy can be obtained for personal use or other purposes. Transcripts are issued from the District Registrar’s Office in Glenwood Springs. Allow seven to ten days for processing.

Student Accounts

The Business Office handles students’ paychecks and financial aid checks, tuition, fees, room and board assessments, refunds, outstanding balances and insurance. Library fines and other outstanding balances must be paid before grades or transcripts will be released or before a student may register for the next semester.

Financial Aid

Colorado Mountain College is committed to helping you (and your parents) find the money you need for your education. To meet that end, CMC participates in federal and state financial aid programs such as the Pell Grant, Federal Work Study, Federal Direct Student Loans and Colorado Student Grants. Financially supporting parents may qualify for Plus Loans. In addition to programs based on financial need, CMC provides scholarships in recognition of a student’s outstanding ability and talent. Contact your College or Campus Financial Aid Specialist, or College Counselor for more information about various forms of financial aid.

Student Employment

If you are planning to work part-time while you are attending school, you should plan to visit with the Student Services Office as soon as possible. The College Counselor can provide information about part-time and full-time job opportunities throughout the community.

A variety of employment positions are available. Students may work as waiters or waitresses, babysitters (in the community), cooks, administrative assistants, housekeepers, bus drivers, or in construction and outdoor retail sales. Local ski resorts hire many part-time employees as lift operators, housekeepers, ticket sellers, cashiers, parking lot attendants, bus drivers and in ski equipment rentals.

Usually, on-campus jobs are filled by students who have qualified for the Federal Work Study Program through financial aid. Limited employment opportunities for Colorado resident students who do not demonstrate “need” under the Federal Work Study Program may also be available. Check with the Financial Aid Office for information about such positions.

Counseling Services

Counselors are available in the Student Services Office to assist students with academic, vocational, career and personal concerns and issues, career decision-making, and college transfer information.

Discussing a personal concern with a College Counselor is sometimes very helpful. You can make an appointment to see a College Counselor by stopping by or calling the office staff. Individuals or student groups can be assured that counseling sessions will be private. Some personal problems may require assistance beyond what can be provided by College Counselors. In such instances, the student may be referred to a community agency.

Transfer Counseling

Colorado Mountain College has transfer agreements with all public four-year colleges and universities in Colorado. A College Counselor located in the Student Services Office or your Academic Advisor can assist you in planning course work for transfer, selecting a college or university, and applying to other schools.

It is important to identify the school and program to which you plan to transfer as soon as possible after you begin attending.

Academic Skill Enhancement & Tutoring

Colorado Mountain College offers skill-building courses in English, mathematics, reading, and college study skills each semester. Many of these courses are taught on an individualized basis, and students proceed at their own rate. Selfpaced, computerized tutoring is also available.

Students with Disabilities

Colorado Mountain College is committed to providing access to everyone with the ability to benefit from a program of higher education. We empower students with disabilities to take responsibility for their education. Services are available to meet your special needs and assist you in meeting your educational goals. These accommodations may include instructional support such as note taking, oral testing, proofing of written work, interpreting, books on tape, and extended testing time. Special equipment may be provided as an accommodation.

To qualify for services, documentation of the disability should be on file with your local Disability Services Coordinator prior to enrollment. Individual accommodation will be determined from the documentation. You must turn in your Notification of Accommodation to all of your instructors at the beginning of each semester. With these accommodations, students are required to meet the academic standards of the college. For information please contact,

Steamboat Springs and Edwards Campuses:
Debra Farmer at (970) 870-4450 for services.

Aspen, Glenwood Springs and Rifle Campuses:
Dr. Anne Moll at (970) 947-8256 for services.

Breckenridge, Dillon, and Leadville Campuses:
Sandi Conner at (719) 486-4200 for services.

Student Support Services

Student Support Services works with students who have the potential for academic success and who may benefit from academic support and encouragement to reach their scholastic goals. The Student Support Services (SSS) Program is a federally funded program to provide academic support for eligible students who are low income, disabled, and/or first generation college students (neither parent has received a degree). The program is located at the Edwards, Glenwood Springs, Leadville, Rifle and Steamboat Springs campuses. Students in the program receive tutoring, advising, transfer services and college trips, developmental instruction, career exploration assistance, peer mentoring, admissions and financial aid application assistance, and other support to reach their scholastic goals. For further information or application to the program, please contact the SSS Coordinator at your campus.

Placement Testing

All students seeking a degree or certificate and/or enrolling in an English, mathematics, or college-level course are required to take placement assessment in mathematics, reading, and writing prior to their first semester at CMC. These evaluations are regularly scheduled prior to registration each semester. Your Academic Advisor or the Student Services Office staff can provide you with information about dates, locations, and times.


Colorado Mountain College offers a variety of institutional and national testing programs. The College Level Examination Program (CLEP) tests students’ prior knowledge in a variety of subjects. The General Education Development (GED) is offered several times each year. GED test preparation classes are also available. For information on these and other tests, pick up a Testing Services Brochure in the Student Services Office.

Career assessment is available on a regularly scheduled basis. Students may utilize the Career Occupational Preference System (COPS), CHOICES, a computerized assessment tool, the Strong Interest Inventory, the Self Directed Search, or a variety of other assessment instruments. These tests identify career interests, values, abilities, and vocational aptitudes and are useful in career planning. For further information on these tests, please contact the Student Services Office.

International Students

All international students should check in with the Campus Vice President or designee soon after their arrival on campus. International student enrollment is regulated by the U.S. Department of Immigration and Naturalization. If you have questions regarding these regulations or if you need assistance with American culture, academic problems, or community resources, please see the Campus Vice President or designee, or the Admissions Office.

International students must be enrolled on a full-time basis (12 credit hours or more) to maintain their immigration status. If English is not your native language, it may be recommended that you register for course work in English communications. Otherwise, international students must maintain the academic standards which apply to all students.

Job Placement

The Placement Services Office is located in the Student Services Office. College Counselors provide assistance in finding full-time employment following graduation, and summer and part-time work while you are in school. They offer information about full-time job opportunities in the local community, the state and nationwide. College Counselors can assist you in exploring career options, writing effective resumes and preparing for interviews.

Your Academic Advisor is also an excellent source of information about career possibilities in your field. Since your instructors are already involved in your particular field, they may be able to refer you to agencies, businesses or companies which could use your skills. Your instructors are also likely to have information about former graduates—where they are working and what types of positions they hold.

Career Services

Career Services serves the Bachelor’s Degree students in both the BA and BS programs. All CMC students are encouraged to utilize the helpful and up-to-date no-cost Career Development Services. Call 970-947-8319 for more information.