Feb 21, 2025  
2025-2026 Catalog 
2025-2026 Catalog


Transferring CMC Credits to Other Institutions

If you are considering transferring to another Colorado institution, the State of Colorado Department of Higher Education has developed Statewide Transfer Articulation Agreements in various disciplines. If you graduate with one of the statewide associate degrees with designation (DwD), you will be able to transfer to another Colorado university and complete the corresponding bachelor’s degree in no more than an additional 60 credits (for a total of 120 credits).

NOTE: Agreements for selected transfer degrees may require up to an additional 66 credits (for a total of 126 credits).

See the information about Transfer Degrees on the Colorado Department of Higher Education website to see which associate and bachelor’s degrees are part of this program. Each DwD has a prescribed curriculum.

We strongly recommend having close and ongoing communication with your student success team to ensure a smooth transfer of credits to the receiving institution due to policies related to credit transfer continually evolving.

See the CMC Student Services page for your student success team contact information.

Colorado Guaranteed Transfer (GT) Pathways Curriculum

As a public institution in the state of Colorado, Colorado Mountain College offers and accepts in transfer, Guaranteed Transfer (GT) Pathways General Education courses. GT Pathways courses, in which the student earns a C- or higher, will transfer and apply to GT Pathways requirements in most associate and bachelor’s degrees at every public Colorado college and university. You should always seek advising from the appropriate advisor at CMC or at the college or university you plan to attend to ensure you are selecting the appropriate coursework for your degree and that it will apply to those degree requirements.

GT general education courses are grouped into larger academic/program categories for general education that fit into associate and bachelor’s degree programs. Please visit the Colorado Department of Higher Education Guaranteed Transfer (GT) Pathways General Education Curriculum page to learn more about the general education categories that make up the GT “guaranteed transfer” curriculum.

Transferability Symbols

In our catalog, this ◆ symbol indicates courses that are part of the approved State Guaranteed General Education Transfer Course list. The complete list of State Guaranteed General Education Courses is available on the Colorado Department of Higher Education Guaranteed Transfer (GT) Pathways General Education Curriculum page. 

In our catalog, this ✽ symbol indicates courses applicable to CMC’s Associate of Arts and Associate of Science degrees and satisfy program-specific transfer agreements for the business and elementary education programs.

Transferring Credit Through Examinations

Colorado Mountain College awards credit through examinations such as AP, DSST, CLEP, and IB. Although these types of tests are standard throughout the country, they will often be reevaluated when you transfer, and the admissions office at any four-year institution may choose to award a different amount of credits or equivalent courses than awarded by Colorado Mountain College.

Transferring Special Topics Credits

Special Topics courses (numbers 1075, 2075, 3075, and 4075) are courses providing the chance to study subjects not included in the standard curriculum. When a student transfers, each institution will evaluate these courses according to its own guidelines. If you wish to have these kinds of courses considered for transfer, you must keep all records of the class (syllabus, tests, papers, and other projects) to be evaluated by the receiving institution.

Program-Specific Transfer/Articulation Agreements

Colorado Mountain College maintains further articulation agreements with public Colorado colleges and universities to address the transfer of some courses part of specialized degree or certificate programs.

Colorado Mountain College has signed agreements outlining the transfer of degrees in many areas.

Please see the CMC Transfer Agreements page for the complete listing.

Please consult the appropriate certificate and degree checklists, your student success team, and the receiving institution for current information about transferring your credits using statewide or program-specific articulation agreements.

Transferring Associate of Applied Science and Certificate of Occupational Proficiency Course Credits

Career and Technical Education (CTE) degrees and corresponding courses are designed for immediate employment. However, some courses leading to an Associate of Applied Science degree or Certificate of Occupational Proficiency (COP) at Colorado Mountain College may transfer into four-year degree programs.

Please see the CMC Transfer Agreements page for more information.

For students wishing to transfer their CMC Associate of Applied Science degree, please keep in mind each four-year institution uses its own discretion for the credits it will accept in transfer. CMC’s Associate of Applied Science degrees provide a pathway into CMC’s Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) degrees.

Please see your student success team for further information.

Additional Transferability Considerations

Not all courses at Colorado Mountain College will transfer. Developmental, Career and Technical Education courses are not intended to transfer. If you plan to transfer, you should meet regularly with your student success team to ensure a smooth transition to the four-year college of your choice. Transfer guidelines for public Colorado institutions may be available from your student succcess team and should be used as general guides only. Please contact the receiving institution for the latest requirements.

Courses in this catalog marked with an asterisk (✽) apply to the Colorado Mountain College Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, Associate of General Studies, and the Associate of Applied Science degrees. When choosing electives, choosing courses with this symbol may provide a smoother transfer for you. To ensure elective courses will transfer, always check with the receiving institution first, and work with your student success team.

Higher Education Admission Recommendations (HEAR)

While Colorado Mountain College is an open enrollment college, students planning on transferring to another Colorado institution may need to meet additional admissions requirements, including an evaluation of their high school academic records. Students should proactively contact the admissions department at their intended institution to discuss transfer admissions policies. Students graduating high school in 2010 and beyond must fulfill the following requirements for admission into selective institutions.

The Colorado Department of Higher Education Admissions Eligibility page has information about Colorado’s Graduation Guidelines for high school students who graduate after 2021.

Below are the HEAR course recommendations in Colorado:

  • English: 4 years. Two units of ESL English may count for HEAR requirements when combined with two units of successfully completed college preparatory English.
  • Mathematics: 4 years, which must include Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II or equivalent courses.
  • Natural/Physical Sciences: 3 years, of which two years must be lab-based. College-preparatory ESL mathematics/science courses that include content and academic rigor/level comparable to other acceptable courses may satisfy HEAR requirements.
  • Social Sciences: 3 years, with at least one unit of U.S. or world history.
  • Foreign Language: 1 year. 
    • *Please note the Colorado Department of Education’s policy for Higher Education Admissions Requirements stipulates that students wishing to enter or transfer to any public four-year school in Colorado must successfully complete at least one year of foreign language at the high school level. If this requirement is not fulfilled, please be advised that it may be required for students to take FRE 1011, GER 1011, ITA 1011, JPN 1011, RUS 1011, or SPA 1011  to gain admittance to a four-year school. Not all of these languages are available at CMC. Although these courses do not fulfill the Guaranteed Transfer Arts and Humanities requirement, they do count as five elective credits within the Associate of Arts degree.
  • Academic Electives: 2 years. Acceptable Academic Electives include additional courses in English, mathematics, natural/physical sciences and social sciences, foreign languages, art, music, journalism, drama, computer science, honors, AP, IB courses, and appropriate CTE courses.

Reverse Transfer Program

After transferring to a public four-year institution in Colorado, you may be eligible to receive an associate degree from Colorado Mountain College through the Colorado Department of Higher Education’s Reverse Transfer program (formerly Degree Within Reach). Visit the Colorado Department of Higher Education Reverse Transfer page for more information.

Requesting CMC Transcripts

Refer to the CMC Academic Calendar for dates regarding final grades on transcripts. Graduation statements will be available on transcripts approximately 10 days after the semester ends. Please allow adequate processing and mailing time if transcripts are to be sent to other institutions.

Starting in the fall 2023 semester, students who successfully completed the Adult High School Diploma (AHSD) program will have an AHSD transcript listing these courses and the awarded credential. 

Please see the CMC Transcripts page for further information about ordering CMC transcripts.

Student Privacy, Records, and Rights After Attending CMC

Regarding the confidentiality of your student records, please refer to the section on the Student Educational Rights and Privacy Act  in this catalog.