Oct 06, 2024  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

Registering for Classes

This section describes the policies and processes for adding and dropping classes and policies related to class attendance, course load and transferring credits into Colorado Mountain College. Below is an overview of the registration process. For further information, please visit the CMC Credit Classes page.

Standard Registration Periods

CMC’s academic year is three semesters (fall, spring, summer). Standard registration periods pertain to standard and non-standard length credit courses.

The Early Registration period provides an opportunity for currently enrolled degree or certificate-seeking students to register early for the upcoming semester. Students must meet campus academic advising requirements, and have a zero balance on their account. Tuition costs are added to the student’s account at the time of registration. However, payment is deferred to the regular deadline, approximately four weeks before the start of the semester. 

Students are encouraged to use the online registration method during Early Registration. In-person registrations may be available by contacting your campus.

Registration is open to all students and for all class types (credit, non-credit, ESL, HSE, AHSD and continuing education units). For more information, please see Registering for Classes below. Payment is due by the payment deadline, approximately four weeks before the start of the semester. For registrations after the payment deadline, payment is due at the end of the day following registration. 

The Drop/Add period is for students making changes to their current schedule or registering for a standard length course before the course has started. This time period is provided in order to allow students the flexibility to add, drop or register for courses, within the limits of the following criteria:

  • Regular Drop/Add: Students are allowed to add or drop until the first day of class. Students are encouraged to meet campus advising requirements and seek approval from their Student Success Team.
  • Schedule change: Defined as changing sections within the same course when no class time has been missed. Currently registered students changing sections are allowed to make schedule changes after the first class session with the approval of the instructor.
  • Late Registration: After the first day of class, students may be allowed to register with an approved Late Registration form. Approval is not guaranteed.

Late Registration

In accordance with college-wide registration procedures, students must be registered into a credit class by the end of the first scheduled class meeting. For online learning, students must be registered by the end of the day of the official class start date. Exceptions may be granted by the instructor and a dean or assistant dean of instruction. This procedure is in place to allow students the best possible chance for academic success.

Registering for Classes

For your success, we suggest meeting with your Student Success Team as you plan your semester schedule. Please see the CMC Advising and College Counseling pages for further information.

A class schedule will be published by your campus, either online or in print. The schedule provides information concerning each course such as when and where the course meets, the Instructor and the cost. The class syllabus, available after you register, also provides important dates such as the withdrawal date (the last date you can drop the class).

Courses offered at Colorado Mountain College include credit, non-credit, ESL, HSE, AHSD and continuing education units. Many short courses start throughout each semester. Checking the online class schedule throughout the semester will provide the most up-to-date course offerings and registration deadlines. Students are encouraged to register early to avoid low enrollment class cancellations or course waitlists.

Registration Methods

Colorado Mountain College offers two registration options:

  1. Online (preferred):
  • Students registering for credit classes will use the online Student Planning tool. This is available in the Basecamp portal for all students.
  • Students registering for non-credit classes may use the Search and Register link on the Community Education page.
  1. In person at the front desk of any campus.

Under special circumstances, a process for registration by mail or phone may be available.

Please contact your campus for questions or assistance.

Class schedules and registration information are also available on the CMC Classes page.

Personal Information Updates

It is your responsibility to keep your personal information updated and accurate. If you have a name change or wish to update your preferred name or gender identity, please use the Name Change form.

If you need to update your address, please submit an Address Change form to the registration staff on campus. If your address change results in a different tuition classification, it is your responsibility to submit a Petition for Reclassification. See the Residency Classification  section of this catalog for more information.

Payment Requirements

Students who have not made adequate payment arrangements may be dropped. Students are required to have payment arrangements for the full amount due at the time of registration. Payment arrangements include financial aid, a payment plan or payment in full. See the CMC Payment Plan and Finacial Aid pages for more information. 

Due to time constraints, prior notice of the drop will not be provided. All students are strongly encouraged to monitor their CMC email account for important communications. 

Students who are dropped for non-payment will not automatically be reinstated in the class. In the case of full classes, students may need to add their name to a waitlist prior to re-enrolling.

Prerequisite Requirements

Students who do not meet minimum course prerequisites may be dropped. Due to time constraints, prior notice of the drop will not be provided. All students are strongly encouraged to monitor their CMC email accounts for important communications. Students who are dropped for not meeting minimum course prerequisites should meet with their Student Success Team to discuss the drop. 

Academic Program Change

The deadline for program changes for the current semester is 10 business days after the start of the semester. Change of Academic Program forms received after this deadline will apply to the following semester.

Students should meet with their Student Success Team to discuss new program requirements before requesting an Academic Program Change. Students should note that changing programs can cause significant impacts on financial aid awards and/or Veteran Education Benefits.


Grades can be viewed in Student Planning in Basecamp approximately 10 days after the end of the term. You will receive a grade on your transcript for each enrolled course (unless officially withdrawn prior to the course census date). 

Grading Options

You select your grade option at the time you register for classes. You may change your grade option up to the class refund/census date by submitting a Grade Scheme Change form to the registration staff at your campus. Most courses offer three grading options:

Letter Grade Option: If you do not clearly express your desire to be evaluated using one of the grading options outlined, you will be automatically evaluated using the letter grade option. These grades are listed (A - F) under the Grades and Transcripts section below.

Audit Option: Students selecting the Audit Option receive an AU as the final grade. This means only that the student registered for the course. Audit students are not required to submit papers or take exams, but all risk management and student conduct requirements still apply. Students registered under this option earn no quality points or credit hours. Students cannot meet prerequisite requirements through this grade option. Students registered under the course audit option may re-take the course for credit later.

Pass/Fail Option: If you select the Pass/Fail Option, you will receive a P for the class if you earn the equivalent of a C- or better for the course. Likewise, an F is assigned if you earn a D+, D, D- or F.

Although all courses are available through this option, only 20% of all courses used to meet degree/certificate requirements can be earned through the Pass/Fail Option. Courses awarded by standardized national exams, i.e., CLEP, AP, DSST (DANTES), IB, or Excelsior College Exams, and credit for prior learning awarded through portfolio and professional certificates are given a P grade and are not included in the 20% calculation. Courses of 0.5 credit hours or less must be graded with the Pass/Fail Option.

AP exams are awarded a grade based on the AP score earned and according to the College Board AP Score Scale Table. CMC will award the lowest College Course Grade Equivalent.

Students earning a score of 50 or higher on CLEP exams will be awarded a C for the relevant course and a B for students earning a qualifying score as determined by the College Board

The CMC Grade Equivalent awarded by an AP or CLEP score will not carry quality points or impact GPA. 

Grade Scheme Change

You may change your grade option up to the class refund/census date by completing a Grade Scheme Change form and submitting it to the registration staff at your campus. Requests to change grade schemes after the refund/census date require a Student Success Team member signature and must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office. Requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, and there is no guarantee that your request will be approved.

Grades and Transcripts

Final grades are available approximately 10 days after classes end. These can be viewed on your unofficial transcript available through Student Planning in Basecamp. Official Transcripts can be ordered via Parchment.

You will receive one of the following grades for each course (unless officially withdrawn prior to the course census date):

Grade Meaning Quality
A Excellent 4.0
A-   3.7
B+   3.3
B Above Average 3.0
B-   2.7
C+   2.3
C Average 2.0
C-   1.7
D+   1.3
D Poor 1.0
D-   0.7
F Fail 0.0
W Withdrawal -
AW Administrative Withdrawal -
AU Audit -
P Pass -
I Incomplete -
NG No Grade Assigned -
IP In Progress -

Adult High School Diploma Grade Scheme

AHSD grades are available approximately one week after classes end. These can be viewed on your unofficial transcript available through Student Planning in Basecamp. Official Transcripts can be ordered via Parchment.

Grade Meaning Quality Points
SC Successfully Completed 1.0
W Withdrawal -
NP No Pass -

HSE Grade Scheme 

Transcripts are available on request by emailing the Registrar’s Office at registrar@coloradomtn.edu.

Grade Meaning Quality Points
PHS Passed HSE -
NPH No Pass HSE -
HSE Completed Full HSE -
TGR Took GED Ready - No Pass -
W Withdrawal -

ESL Grading Options

Transcripts are available on request by emailing the Registrar’s Office at registrar@coloradomtn.edu.

Grade Meaning Quality Points
NC Non-credit -
AW Administrative Withdrawal -
W Withdrawal -
LC Level Complete -
PP Partially Proficient -
LP Left Program -

What is an Incomplete Grade?

An Incomplete (I) is a temporary grade. An Incomplete grade is assigned after an Incomplete Agreement has been signed by the student, their instructor and the instructional supervisor. An Incomplete Agreement allows the student additional time to complete their coursework if, for exceptional reasons, the student was unable to complete final assignments due to unexpected events. Unexpected events may include but are not limited to illness/hospitalization, military deployment or death of an immediate family member. Once the student has completed the outstanding coursework, the instructor submits a Grade Change form to change the temporary Incomplete grade to the final grade. See the Incomplete Agreement  section of this catalog for more information.

Grade Change Request

If you believe you have received an incorrect grade, please talk to your instructor as soon as possible. If an error has been made, the instructor can submit a Grade Change form. If speaking with your instructor does not resolve your concern about an incorrect grade, please see the Grade Appeal  section of this catalog.

Class Attendance

Students are expected to attend all classes. If you wish to drop a class, you are responsible for completing the drop. You must be registered to attend a class.

Dropping a Class

To withdraw from a class (drop), you must log in to Basecamp and drop in Student Planning. Notifying the instructor or your Student Success Team, not paying for the class, or simply not attending class are not sufficient ways to ensure that you are withdrawn/dropped from a class. If you cannot drop in Student Planning due to a balance owed to CMC, you must make payment arrangements with your campus accounts manager before you can withdraw from classes. If you do not have online access, you can submit a Registration Add/Drop form to any campus registration staff.

Key dates:

  • Refund Date: This date is published in the course syllabus and usually occurs within the first 15% of class instruction time. 
  • Census Date: This occurs one day after the Refund Date. Students dropping (withdrawing from) a class after the Census Date will receive a W grade for the class. Students dropping before the Census Date will not show the class as attempted on their student record.
  • Withdrawal Date: This date is published in the course syllabus and usually occurs when 75% of the class instruction has occurred. Students may not withdraw from (drop) a class after the course Withdrawal Date.

Hardship Withdrawal

The Hardship Withdrawal process can be used to withdraw from a class or classes if the student has experienced extenuating circumstances beyond the student’s control, that affected the student’s ability to achieve the objectives of the course. A request for Hardship Withdrawal should only be used after the course Withdrawal Date (75% of the course) has passed. Before this date, it is in the student’s best interest to withdraw using Student Planning on Basecamp. The Withdrawal Date is specific to each course; please refer to your course syllabus. 

Only one Hardship Withdrawal request will be considered per student per academic year. Hardship Withdrawal requests will only be considered when submitted within 12 months of the extenuating circumstance. If the Hardship Withdrawal is approved, the student is awarded a grade of “AW” (Administrative Withdrawal). AW is counted as attempted credits.  

Faculty Withdrawal

The course instructor may submit a Faculty Withdrawal request for a student due to excessive absences. Excessive absence is the point at which the faculty member feels that the student, due to absences, cannot successfully complete the course. The instructor is not, however, required to drop the student. Excessive absences can cause the student to earn a failing grade.              

If the faculty member submits a Faculty Withdrawal request for a student, the student is awarded a grade of AW (Administrative Withdrawal). AW is counted as attempted credits. The instructor cannot submit a Faculty Withdrawal request for a student after the course Withdrawal Date. Students given an AW through Administrative Withdrawal procedures do not receive a refund of tuition and/or fees.


The Refund Date is published for each class in the class information and in the syllabus. No refund is given if a class is dropped after the Refund Date. Some courses have a non-refundable course fee or charge. If you are enrolled in a class that is canceled, you will receive a 100% refund of related tuition and fees.

To be eligible for a refund, you must log in to Basecamp and drop the class in Student Planning. Lack of attendance does not constitute dropping a class. If you are unable to drop the class in Student Planning, you must submit a Registration Add/Drop form or a written request with supporting documentation to the registration staff at your campus. The date of receipt of the request will be used to determine eligibility for refunds and/or final approval of the drop request.

Refund Policy Exception

Students must submit a Refund Petition to request an exception to the Colorado Mountain College refund policy. Exceptions are only granted for special circumstances, such as medical emergencies, that keep the student from completing the class, or from dropping the class within the refund period. 

No-Show Attendance Reporting

Colorado Mountain College faculty and staff want you to be successful in reaching your educational goals. This starts with attending all of your classes. 

Never attended reporting dates for the current semester are available on the CMC Registrar’s Office page.  

A student who has never attended is defined as the following:

For in-person/remote real-time/connected classroom classes - If a student has not displayed academic engagement by one (or more) of the following actions by the never attended/no show reporting date, the student should be reported as never-attended:

  • Physically attended class or
  • Submitted an assignment or participated in an assigned activity, or
  • Had documented interaction with the instructor about the completion of an assignment, class requirement or why they cannot attend the first class.

For Online/Distance classes - If a student has not displayed academic engagement by one (or more) of the following actions before the never attended/no show reporting date, the student should be reported as never-attended:

  • Logged into the class AND completed the introductory assignment or
  • Had documented interaction with the instructor about the completion of an assignment, class requirement, or why they cannot complete the introductory assignment in time.

CAUTION: If the student has not attended (per the language above), the student will be reported as a no-show and may be dropped from the class - it is not guaranteed - and the student risks receiving a failing grade.

If a student is dropped from a course (or courses) for non-attendance, a refund is not automatic or guaranteed.

If a student is dropped and wishes to be reinstated in the class, a Late Registration Petition must be submitted. Approval is not automatic. Each student’s circumstance will be evaluated, and the assistant dean of instruction’s decision is final.

No-Show Reporting and Financial Aid: If a student is dropped from a course (or courses) for non-attendance, the resultant loss in credit hours may cause a reduction and/or cancellation of the student’s financial aid award. Like class reinstatement, financial aid awards can only be reinstated with documentation of extreme extenuating circumstances. Reinstatement in class DOES NOT guarantee financial aid reinstatement.

No-Show Reporting and Learning Materials Program: If the dropped student received a book from the Learning Materials Program, the student MUST return their book(s) within seven days of being dropped from a class. Failure to do so may result in charges to the student’s account, which, if left unpaid, will affect their ability to register for future classes.

Course Load

Each course offered for college credit is assigned a specific credit hour value. The credit hours usually correspond to the number of class meeting hours per week. For example, a standard three-credit-hour course offered for the full 15-week semester will usually meet three hours per week.

In general, the minimum requirement to be considered full-time is 12 credit hours. However, requirements for different types of financial assistance (financial aid, scholarships, Veteran Education Benefits, etc.) may vary. Be sure to carefully read all correspondence from these offices and agencies when planning your schedule.

Students with disabilities may, for some purposes, be considered full-time if taking fewer than 12 credit hours. Contact Access, Inclusion & Disability Services for more information.

If you plan to enroll in more than 18 hours, you must obtain authorization from your Student Success Team and/or the campus administration.

Repeating a Course

Credit courses are designated as either repeatable or non-repeatable for credit. The policy for retaking non-repeatable courses is as follows. Each time a non-repeatable course is retaken, it is recorded on the transcript. The best grade will be calculated in the cumulative GPA. The courses will be counted one time only in the total credits earned. A non-repeatable course may be taken a maximum of two times (the original registration and repeated once) before written consent from your Student Success Team is required.