Feb 07, 2025  
2018-2019 Catalog 
2018-2019 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Graduation and Transfer

If you are not staying at CMC to continue with one of our bachelor degree programs, then the information below on transferring to another four-year college or university will help you prepare for moving on. This section tells you how to submit a graduation petition, request transcripts, transfer credits to another college and stay in touch long after you have left us.

Graduation Requirements

Graduation requirements for each degree and certificate program are outlined in the Bachelor, Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, Associates of General Studies, Associates of Applied Sciences and Certificates of Occupational Proficiency sections of this catalog. The catalog that is current at the time you begin a program will be used to establish graduation requirements. See Catalog in Force Requirements  for more information.

Earning Additional CMC Degrees

If you already have an Associate Degree from Colorado Mountain College, you must earn at least 15 additional credits, not already applied to the first degree(s), and fulfill all of the degree requirements of the subsequent degree(s).  If you already have a Bachelor Degree from Colorado Mountain College, you must earn at least 30 additional credits, not already applied to the first degree(s), and fulfill all of the degree requirements of the subsequent degree(s).

Petition for Graduation

When completing a bachelor degree, associate degree or certificate of occupational proficiency program, you must submit a graduation petition to your College Counselor or Academic Advisor. Deadlines are January 31 for spring graduation, May 31 for summer graduation, and September 14 for fall graduation. If you choose to participate in the commencement ceremony, a fee may be required. All financial obligations to the college must be fulfilled prior to graduation.

Higher Education Admission Requirement (HEAR)

While Colorado Mountain College is an open enrollment college, students planning on transferring to another Colorado Institution may need to meet additional admissions requirements including an evaluation of their high school academic records. Students should be in contact with the Admissions Department at their intended Institution early to discuss transfer admissions policies. Students graduating high school in 2010 and beyond must have the following requirements for admissions into selective institutions:

Academic Area* 2010+ Graduates
English** 4 years
Mathematics (Must include Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II or equivalents)*** 4 years
Natural/Physical Sciences (two units must be lab-based)*** 3 years
Social Sciences (at least one unit of U.S. or world history) 3 years
Foreign Language 1 year
Academic Electives**** 2 years

* CCHE, CDE and School Districts are developing standards for alternative demonstration of proficiency to be accepted in lieu of course completion. For course guidelines see paragraph 4.01 of the Admissions Standards Policy.

** Two units of ESL English may count for HEAR requirements when combined with two units of successfully completed college preparatory English.

*** College-preparatory ESL mathematics/science courses that include content and academic rigor/level comparable to other acceptable courses may satisfy HEAR requirements.

**** Acceptable Academic Electives include additional courses in English, mathematics, natural/physical sciences and social sciences, foreign languages, art, music, journalism, drama, computer science, honors, Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate courses, and appropriate CTE courses.

Combining Transfer Credit with CMC Credit

You may meet graduation requirements by combining Colorado Mountain College courses, credit awarded through non-traditional means and transfer credit. For an Associate Degree a minimum of 15 college-level credit hours must be earned at Colorado Mountain College. For a Bachelor Degree a minimum of 30 college-level credits must be earned at Colorado Mountain College. Awarded or non-traditional credit may not be used to fulfill the CMC minimum credit requirements.

You may be authorized to complete a degree awarded by Colorado Mountain College after transferring to another institution. To request this option for an AA, AS, AGS or AAS degree, you must have earned a minimum of 45 credit hours of course work at CMC. For a Bachelor degree you must have earned a minimum of 90 credit hours of coursework at CMC. You must have prior approval from the Dean of Academic Support and the Registrar.

Please see the Definition of Awarded and Earned Credits  section for more information.

Colorado Department of Higher Education’s Degree Within Reach

After transferring to a public four-year institution in Colorado, you may be eligible to receive an Associate’s Degree from Colorado Mountain College through the Colorado Department of Higher Education’s Degree Within Reach program. Visit the Degree Within Reach website for more information.

Graduating from Discontinued Programs

Colorado Mountain College will not award a degree or certificate for a program that is completed more than 24 months after the program is discontinued by the college. Students must maintain contact with their Academic Advisor or College Counselor for information concerning deadlines.

Requesting CMC Transcripts

Transcripts that include the current semester will be available approximately one week after classes end. However, copies of records, including transcripts, may be withheld because of outstanding financial obligations to Colorado Mountain College.

Please allow adequate processing and mailing time if transcripts are to be sent to other institutions.

Please see the CMC Transcripts page for further information about ordering CMC transcripts, or call 970-947-8333.

Non-Credit Transcript

Prior to summer 2003, non-credit courses did not appear on the students’ academic record. Please see CMC Transcripts for further information about ordering CMC transcripts, or call 970-947-8333.

CEU Transcript

Starting with the 2005 fall semester, students who took a CEU designated course will have a CEU transcript listing those courses. Please see CMC Transcripts for further information about ordering CMC transcripts, or call 970-947-8333.

Transferring CMC Credits to Other Institutions

This section of the catalog describes the transfer policies pertaining to the Colorado State Guaranteed Course Transfer, as well as program-specific and school-specific transfer policies.

Because policies related to credit transfer are continually evolving, we strongly recommend close and ongoing communication with your Academic Advisor or College Counselor to ensure a smooth transfer of credits to the receiving institution.

For the latest list of Colorado State Guaranteed General Education Courses and participating institutions, go to highered.colorado.gov.

See Getting Help from CMC Counselors for contact information and advice.

If you do not complete the AA or AS degree in its entirety, your courses will be evaluated on a course-by-course basis. Individual courses may transfer, but the full, 60-credit transfer will not be guaranteed.

Colorado public four-year higher education institutions will honor the full transfer of an Associate of AA/AS degree earned at Colorado Mountain College. When you earn an AA/AS degree at Colorado Mountain College, completing the State Guaranteed General Education Courses with a grade of “C-” or better in each course applied to the degree, you will transfer with junior standing into any arts and science degree program offered by a Colorado public four-year college.

You should be able to complete your AA/AS degree program in no more than 60 credit hours and your baccalaureate (four-year) degree in no more than a total of 120 credit hours, unless there are additional degree requirements recognized by the Colorado Department of Higher Education. This means that if you complete your AA/AS degree at Colorado Mountain College, you can complete your four-year degree with the same number of credits as students who began at the receiving institution. If you have received credit for prior learning, advanced placement, or correspondence courses, this will be reviewed by the receiving institution.

In addition to the full degree (60+60 credit) transfer, Colorado policy now ensures that students who successfully complete State Guaranteed General Education Courses will receive transfer credits for this course applied to graduation requirements in all majors at all public institutions unless a specific statewide articulation agreement already exists.

It is also possible to transfer out credit for certain examinations and independent study courses. See the following sections for details.

General Education Transfer FAQS

  1. Where can I find a list of approved general education courses that apply to the statewide guaranteed transfer program?
    Visit the Transfers page at the Colorado Department of Higher Education.
  2. Since there is a list of approved general education courses guaranteed to transfer statewide, does this mean that if I take these courses I am guaranteed admission if I apply to transfer to another Colorado public institution?
    No. There are separate admission policies approved by the Colorado Department of Higher Education for first-time and transfer students for all public higher education institutions in Colorado. The statewide guarantee applies to general education courses successfully completed (grade C- or better) upon acceptance for transfer. The Business and Engineering degrees have additional admissions requirements. Please check with the receiving institution.
  3. What is the advantage of completing my community college degree requirements under the new statewide transfer policy? 
    By finishing your AA or AS degree requirements before transferring to a public four-year institution in Colorado, you may expect to be able, upon acceptance, to transfer 60 community college semester credits and enter the four-year institution with junior standing. In liberal arts and science majors, you will be able to finish a BA or BS degree with 60 additional credits at the transfer institution. In other words, if you complete an AA or AS degree program with 35-37 credits of state-guaranteed general education, all of your course credits (up to 60 hours) that applied to your degree requirements for the community college degree will be guaranteed to transfer, upon acceptance, to a four-year college or university. Please see a CMC Academic Advisor or College Counselor for further information.
  4. What if I change my major while enrolled in a public higher education institution in Colorado? 
    If you change your major between two liberal arts and sciences programs, the same general education guarantee applies. However, students who change their major after the first 60 hours accept the responsibility that this decision may require additional courses.
  5. What if I took a general education course that was not guaranteed to transfer until after I completed it? Will I still be able to transfer the course?
    Yes, with certain restrictions:
    A. If you FINISH the AA or AS with 35-37 state guaranteed general education course credits completed, the non-state guaranteed general courses will transfer under the 60+60 concept.
    B. Non-state guaranteed general education courses may transfer. This decision is at the discretion of the receiving institution; but it is highly likely that these courses will transfer.
  6. If I am thinking of transferring, where can I find out about another college’s degree requirements? 
    For additional information, visit the Transfers page at the Colorado Department of Higher Education, or Collegeincolorado.org.

Colorado State Guaranteed Transfer Courses

The state of Colorado has developed a transfer policy to make it easier to transfer course credits to all state institutions. Under this policy, courses that are designated State Guaranteed Transfer Courses are guaranteed to satisfy general education requirements at all Colorado public higher education institutions and will count toward graduation for an Associate of Arts or Bachelor’s degree.

Within this catalog, Colorado State Guaranteed Transfer Courses are delineated by a diamond (◆) icon.

Colorado State Guaranteed Transfer Acronyms

The Colorado State Guaranteed Transfer Courses are grouped into larger academic/program categories indicating what programs they are intended to transfer into and the appropriate grade level. For degree planning, our AA and AS degree checklists group required and elective State Guaranteed General Education Courses into these categories. The link below summarizes these codes and their meanings.

See the Transfers page at the Colorado Department of Higher Education for the most current list.

Transferability Symbols

Because we want you to take your learning experience with you, the Colorado Mountain College Catalog and Class Schedules use two symbols to designate course transferability.

The diamond symbol (◆) designates courses that are part of the approved State Guaranteed General Education Transfer Course list.

The complete list of these state guaranteed general education courses is available on the Colorado Department of Higher Education website.

The asterisk (✽) symbol designates courses that apply to the CMC AA/AS degree, and that satisfy program-specific transfer agreements for the business, engineering, and elementary education programs.

Transferring Credit Through Examinations

Colorado Mountain College awards credit through examinations such as the CLEP test. Although this type of test is standard throughout the country, it will often be reevaluated when you transfer, and the admissions office at any four-year institution may choose to award a different amount of credits than awarded by Colorado Mountain College.

Transferring Special Topics Credits

Special Topics courses (number 175 and 275) are courses to provide you the chance to study subjects not included in the standard curriculum. When transferring, remember that each institution will evaluate these courses according to its own guidelines. If you wish to have these kinds of courses considered for transfer, you must keep all records of the class (syllabus, tests, papers and other projects) so that they can be evaluated by the receiving institution.

Transferring Out Credits for an Entire Program

Completion of the Guaranteed General Education Transfer Courses and an AA or AS degree with a grade of “C-” or better in each of the courses in the transfer qualifies the student to transfer under the Colorado Statewide Transfer Policy (60+60).

Statewide and Program-Specific Transfer/Articulation Agreements

Statewide Transfer/Articulation Agreements

Several bachelor degree programs in Colorado offer transfer under separate agreements. Colorado has developed state-wide transfer agreements for the Associate of Arts and Associate of Science degree programs.

See the Colorado Department of Higher Education website for a list of these state-wide transfer requirements and four year advising guides.

Program-Specific Transfer/Articulation Agreements

Colorado Mountain College maintains further articulation agreements with public Colorado colleges and universities that address the transfer of some courses that are part of specialized degree or certificate programs.

Colorado Mountain College has signed agreements outlining transfer of degrees in many areas. Go to the Transfer Agreements page for the complete listing. 

Please consult the appropriate certificate and degree checklists, Colorado Mountain College Advisor, and the receiving institution for current information about transferring your credits using state-wide or program-specific articulation agreements.

Please note: not every degree is offered at every campus or location.

Transferring AAS and Certificate of Occupational Proficiency (COP) Course Credits

Although Career and Technical Education (CTE) degrees and the courses within them are designed for immediate employment, some courses and programs transfer to selected baccalaureate degree-granting institutions. Courses leading to an Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree or Certificate of Occupational Proficiency (COP) at Colorado Mountain College may transfer into four-year degree programs when the courses are considered similar in content to those offered at the four-year institution. Please visit the Transfer Agreements page for more information on our transfer agreements.

For students wishing to transfer their CMC AAS degree, please keep in mind that each four-year institution uses its own discretion as to the credits it will accept in transfer. CMC’s Associate of Applied Science degrees pathway seamlessly into the Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) degree.

Please see your program advisor for further details.

Tips for a Simple and Smooth Transfer

  1. Know your career objective and major field of study. If necessary, seek out career counseling or assessment testing. The Academic Advisors and College Counselors at each CMC campus would be happy to help you do this.
  2. Choose a college that is right for you and will help you to meet your goals. Review majors and course offerings, and consider factors like student services, financial aid availability, cost, location and extra-curricular opportunities. There are many good websites that can assist you with a comprehensive college search.
  3. Get assistance in formulating your degree and transfer plans. Academic Advisors, College Counselors, and faculty knowledgeable in your field of interest can help you make sure that you are building the foundation you need to continue.
  4. Plan to complete the GT Core Curriculum requirements and earn a C or higher; these are the standardized general education requirements at all community and junior colleges in Colorado. Most Colorado universities will accept the Core requirements as a substitute for their general education requirements.
  5. Plan to complete all lower division (freshman and sophomore) requirements. Check your transfer school’s catalog to determine its expectations for freshmen and sophomores. Try to match its requirements for freshmen and sophomores as closely as possible.
  6. Check the transferability of courses before you register for them. Remember that the receiving institution is the final authority for accepting your CMC credits. If you have questions about a course that a CMC Academic Advisor or College Counselor cannot answer, talk to a Transfer Advisor or Admissions Counselor at the transfer school.
  7. Check on the minimum GPA requirements and the maximum number of transfer credits allowable at your chosen school. Most four-year institutions require students to earn a C or higher in their transfer courses, and set a limit on the number of lower division credits they will accept for transfer.
  8. Select more than one transfer school that fits your academic needs. Always have an alternative plan. Don’t automatically eliminate expensive schools from consideration because you think you can’t afford them. They realize that they are expensive and often offer better financial aid opportunities. But have a “safety net” school that meets your basic needs.
  9. Apply early and know when transcripts are required to be sent. Plan on having transfer applications in the mail by the beginning of your last semester at CMC. Sending partial transcripts may speed up the admissions process.
  10. Ask CMC faculty and staff for letters of recommendation well in advance of application deadlines.

Additional Transferability Considerations

Not all courses at Colorado Mountain College will transfer. Developmental (numbered 000-099 and 900-999) and Career and Technical Education courses are not intended to transfer. If you plan to transfer, you should meet regularly with an Academic Advisor to ensure a smooth transition to the four-year college of your choice. Transfer guidelines for public Colorado institutions may be available from your Academic Advisor or College Counselor. These should be used only as general guides. Contact the receiving institution for the latest requirements.

Courses in this catalog that are marked with an asterisk (✽) apply to the Colorado Mountain College Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, Associate of General Studies and the Associate of Applied Science degrees. When choosing electives, choosing courses with this symbol may provide a smoother transfer for you. To ensure that elective courses will transfer, always check with the receiving institution first. Please work with your CMC Academic Advisor or College Counselor.

Life After CMC

For more resources to assist you in planning for the future, please see the Career Services page.

Student Privacy, Records & Rights

Student Educational Rights and Privacy Act

Student records help staff and faculty plan educational opportunities to meet individual student needs, better understand students and advise them more effectively for academic success during the school year and in finding gainful and fulfilling employment after graduation. Colorado Mountain College will not provide names and addresses to outside agencies for commercial use.

Confidentiality of Records

Student records are confidential. These records will be released to faculty and professional staff for authorized educational purposes. Your academic records are released only with written consent by you or under specific guidelines in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA).

Copies of Colorado Mountain College policy relating to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, are available in the registration office of each campus. This act was designated to protect the privacy of education records, to establish the right of students to inspect and review their education records, and to provide guidelines for the correction of inaccurate or misleading data through informal and formal hearings. Students also have the right to file complaints with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act Office concerning alleged failures by the institution to comply with the Act.

If you have questions concerning the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, contact the Colorado Mountain College Registration staff.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) give students certain rights with respect to their education records. Those rights include:

  1. The right to inspect and review the student’s educational records within 45 days of the day the College receives a request for access. Students must submit to the Records Custodian a written request that identifies the records(s) they wish to inspect. The Records Custodian will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. If the records are not maintained by the Records Custodian to whom the request was submitted, that official shall advise the student of the correct official to whom the request should be addressed.
  2. The right to request the amendment of the student’s educational records that the student believes are inaccurate or misleading. Students may ask the College to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate or misleading. They must write the College Records Custodian responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading. If the College decides not to amend the record as requested by the student, the College will notify the student of the decision and advise the student of his or her right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing. This section does not apply to the assignment of grades.
  3. The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. One exception that permits disclosure without consent is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the College in an administrative, supervisory, academic research, or support staff position; a person or company with whom the College has contracted (such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent); a person serving on the Board of Trustees; or such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official has a legitimate education interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility.
  4. The College has specified the following items as directory information: Student name, dates of attendance, enrollment status, degrees and awards received, activity and sports participation and major. The College may disclose any of these items without prior written consent, unless notified in writing to the contrary by the first official class meeting date of each term. This date is found in the Academic Calendar in the College Catalog. Notification must be provided to the Registration Office. A form is provided for your use.
  5. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the College to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The online complaint procedure and form can be found at studentprivacy.ed.gov. The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA is the Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20202-8520.

    Upon request, the College discloses education records without consent to officials of another school in which the student seeks or intends to enroll. In addition, Federal Law requires the College to release, upon request, specific items of information from the student’s educational records to the military services.

    Colorado Mountain College will disclose information from the student’s education records only with the written consent of the student. CMC has a waiver form available at each location that students may sign to allow parents access to their records.

Withholding Directory Information

Currently enrolled students may withhold disclosure of directory information by notifying the Registrar, in writing, that they do not want the directory information released. Colorado Mountain College will honor this request. All information will be held confidential. This notification is effective until rescinded, in writing, by the student. Colorado Mountain College assumes that unless a student specifically requests that directory information is to be withheld, the student is approving this information for disclosure.

Sex Offender Reporting Policy

Federal Law requires that sex offenders register if working at or attending an educational institution. This law instructs the educational institution to notify students of the method to access this information. Colorado Mountain College requires sex offenders to meet with the Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs or designee prior to their enrollment. The names and Colorado Mountain College locations of registered sex offenders enrolled at CMC are listed on the CMC Student Services website each semester. For more information, please contact the Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs office at (970) 947-8351. In addition, the Colorado Department of Public Safety maintains a website providing a Colorado Sex Offender Search for those registered in Colorado.

Information concerning persons who are required by Colorado law to register as sex offenders, including registered sex offenders who are enrolled, employed, or volunteering at Colorado Mountain College, may be obtained from your local Police Department, or the County Sheriff’s Department.

Alumni: Staying in Touch

The inspiring scenery of the Colorado mountains and the experiences you will have at Colorado Mountain College stay with you long after you graduate. So will many of your friendships formed here.

Join the CMC online alumni community to stay in touch with your friends and the college. Visit CMC’s Alumni Page at www.facebook.com/cmcalumni. Contact the Colorado Mountain College Foundation office at (970) 947-8378 or cmcfoundation@coloradomtn.edu for more information about alumni opportunities and resources.

Update your CMC Alumni record by completing the alumni form at cmcfoundation.org/alumni/.